Please use the form below to contact our office. Messages sent through this form will be delivered to our office email address. They will be addressed promptly after receipt during normal business hours. Please be sure to review the terms below before contacting us using this form. By submitting this form, you consent to the terms below. If you prefer to reach Jessica Demers, Esq. by telephone, please call her at (207) 781-2288.
* Terms if you Contact Jessica Demers: Please be aware if you contact Jessica Demers, Esq., it does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Jessica Demers, Esq. Please do not send any confidential information or facts about your legal matter unless and until an attorney-client relationship has been established. When submitting an inquiry to Jessica Demers, Esq. through our contact us form, you agree that she has no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to her unless she has agreed to represent you or she later agrees to do so. Thus, you agree that she may represent a party in a matter adverse to you even if the information you submit to her could be used against you in the matter.
Office: (207) 781-2288
75 Pearl Street, Second Floor
Portland, Maine 04101